Do you have a draft available for the UKCA and UKNI Declarations of Performance?
No, but they are expected to follow the same format as those currently used as part of CE Marking. << Back to FAQ's
No, but they are expected to follow the same format as those currently used as part of CE Marking. << Back to FAQ's
For a full description and clarification on this topic, please use the link below: Distributors will need to take more responsibility for the products, [...]
No. It is likely that EU and UK standards will diverge at some point in the future. We’re anticipating that the UK will still be [...]
The BBA continues to be covered by the existing accreditation arrangements. These will be automatically transferred to allow the BBA to carry out the same [...]
Yes, please contact us for a specific quote. << Back to FAQ's
The UK Government has stressed the need for TABs (Technical Assessment Body) and NBs (Notified Bodies) to work together, to minimise as far as possible [...]