The BBA logo is a valuable and trustworthy symbol of excellence, recognised in the industry as a differentiating mark of quality. Every client that successfully completes assessment and certification with us, receives a logo bespoke to them, and visible to the scheme they’ve been assessed against. Because of this, use of the BBA logo is an exclusive opportunity by our clients, and therefore can only be used by
- companies whose products are BBA approved,
- BBA approved installers, and
- companies whose management systems are assessed by the BBA.
Guidance around using the BBA Logo
MyBBA makes it easy to quickly validate the credibility of a BBA certificate.
When receiving their certificate, Certificate Holders are also provide with a link to our brand guidelines which offers clear guidance on how to use their bespoke BBA certificate logo on their own marketing material and products. The BBA logo used by Certificate Holders should always provide clear visibility on the certificate number they’ve received. An example of this for an Agrement Certificate, is as follows:

The BBA offers a number of varying schemes, and certificate logos may differ based on the scheme. If you have any doubt about the validity of a logo being used, please use MyBBA to search for the certificate holder, number or product, or contact us for guidance.
Misuse of BBA Logo
If you believe that a company is misusing a BBA logo, or making false or misleading claims that their products are BBA approved, please let us know. We will investigate and, where appropriate, pass information onto Trading Standards to prosecute.
If you have a further complaint about a company you can take independent action by contacting your Local Authority Trading Standards Office. You can also report the matter to the Advertising Standards Authority.
If you wish to report a misuse of a BBA logo, or other false or misleading claims, simply email [email protected], providing as much information as possible.
Please note: We are unable to update you with progress of the dealings with the business in question.