Bespoke Testing

We have unique, UKAS accredited Testing Laboratories (No 0357) that are not readily available to manufacturers undertaking product development. These can be extremely helpful in understanding product performance and limitations at an early stage of the development process.

We work closely with clients in the development of bespoke tests to establish the performance and durability of a product.

For those looking to independently verify the performance of a product but who are perhaps unsure of the relevant test methods, our expert team is available to discuss the options and assist in the creation of a tailored test programme that will meet all requirements. We devise tests to measure the key performance characteristics of a range of products. This can be done both before and after artificial ageing to assess how these properties will change with exposure and time. The diversity of our work ranges from large bespoke test programmes for leading construction manufacturers to one-off tests for small businesses to help them understand the performance and realise the potential of their products. Results from our UKAS accreditated Testing Laboratory (No 0357) can be used towards future BBA Certification.

Need to chat about a bespoke testing requirement? Get in touch.

Email: [email protected]
Phone: 01923 665 300

Product Development

We have unique, UKAS accredited Testing Laboratories (No 0357) that are not readily available to manufacturers undertaking product development. These can be extremely helpful in understanding product performance and limitations at an early stage of the development process.

Non-Construction Based Testing

We have experience of testing outside of the construction industry, having performed tests such as the evaluation of the life span of ear tags for cattle.